Potential coal resources in Indonesia is very abundant
Potential coal resources in Indonesia is very abundant, especially on the island of Borneo and Sumatra, while in other areas can be found coal although in small amounts and not determined yet keekonomisannya, such as West Java, Central Java, Papua and Sulawesi.National Geological Agency estimates that Indonesia still has 160 billion tons of coal reserves that have not been explored. Such reserves are mostly located in East Kalimantan and South Sumatra. However, exploration efforts are often hampered by the status of coal mining areas.
Areas where coal reserves are mostly located in conservation forests. [5] Average production of coal mining in Indonesia reached 300 million tons per year. Of that amount, about 10 percent is used for domestic energy needs, and most of the rest (90 percent) is exported.
Read more: plastics risks to human health and the environmentIn Indonesia, coal is the main fuel other than diesel fuel (diesel fuel) that has been commonly used in many industries, from coal economically far more efficient than diesel fuel, with a ratio as follows: Solar Rp 0.74 / kilocalories while coal only USD 0.09 / kilocalories, (based on the price of industrial diesel fuel Rp. 6.200 / liter).
Baca Juga
Unfortunately, Indonesia is unlikely burned the coal and converting it into electricity energetic through the plant. In addition to pollute the environment through pollutant CO2, SO2, NOx and CxHy this way is considered less efficient and less to give high added value.
Coal should not be directly burned, will be more meaningful and efficient if it is converted into a synthetic gas, or other petrochemical materials of high economic value. Two ways are considered in this case is liquefaction (liquefaction) and gasification (sublimation) coal.
read to: History of mathematicsBurning coal directly (direct burning) has developed the technology a continuously, aiming to achieve combustion efficiency maximum, means direct combustion such as: fixed grate, chain grate, fluidized bed, pulverized, and others, each has advantages and disadvantages.